
Why do we prioritize non-life insurance?

May 26, 2019
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Ever Ready Insurance Agency, Car Insurance Philippines, Home Insurance Philippines, Best Insurance PH, Product Review, #goplacesandinsurethings, All-Around Pinay Mama blog, SJ Valdez

Three years ago, our family decided not to avail the services of any health maintenance organization (HMO) because we were so confident that we would not get sick. Well maybe, subconsciously, one of the main reasons of doing that was because the year after that, we got the services of a very unreliable health insurance provider that we ended up paying for our check-ups and hospital laboratory tests while also paying for the insurance premium for the four of us. It was obviously a waste of hard-earned money. Unfortunately, on the year that we didn't have an HMO, the four of us got hospitalized all at the same time for almost a month. It was a chain reaction. Paps and the kids were absent at work and school respectively. I had backlogs on my freelancing gigs. I neglected my duties as a mompreneur. I had to cancel so many work-related opportunities. I wasn't able to manage and update my blog and social media sites under my care. Paps' absence at work affected his performance and salary. Most of all, our savings and earnings that were intended for other things were put on the drain. Paps and I were emotionally and physically exhausted but we couldn't do anything but learn from our mistake. After that dreadful family experience, we never thought twice of getting a reliable health insurance provider.

Well, you have to learn from our experience. Never commit the same mistake that we did. Aside from health insurance, there are also other kinds of common non-life insurance (covers people, liabilities, and property) that we should prioritize. Here they are:

- Auto insurance
- Property insurance
- Accident insurance
- Travel insurance
- Disaster insurance (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.)
- Credit insurance
- Mortgage insurance
(Source: www.lifeinsurance.org/blog/what-is-non-life-insurance)

Why do we prioritize non-life insurance?

Non-life insurance gives us peace of mind. Literally, when you get any type of insurance, you are paying for your peace of mind, first and foremost. It is our only shield when the worst case scenario happens to our health or property. Then health problems, accidents, and damage or a loss of property are not going to give us any burden because the insurance almost keeps everything covered like medical expenses,  hospital bills, or repairs. It unloads our burden and lessens our worries. 

In order to have genuine peace of mind and confidence regarding insurance, it is very important to be choosy, vigilant, and meticulous in getting the services of a non-life insurance provider.

In our case, one of the trusted non-life insurance companies that I know in the Philippines is Ever Ready Insurance Agency, Inc. If you are looking for an insurance company to deal with when it comes to insuring your home and vehicles, the said company is trustworthy. It's highly recommended by yours truly! 

With Ever Ready Insurance Agency, Inc., you can go places and insure things! See the posters below for more details.

Photo Credit: Ever Ready Insurance Agency, Inc. Facebook Page

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