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Courtesy: https://www.facebook.com/IBelieveJesus/photos/a.158691214176133.30886.103157443062844/749674165077832/?type=1&theater |
During those times when my son was recovering from sickness due to the reason that I shared in one of my articles last week, I saw this photo posted on my friend's FB wall.
I needed God's help to take away the pain in my heart. My only consolation that time was I should have the strength and will to forgive that person because somehow there were times when I also offended other people consciously and unconsciously.
I earnestly believe that she is a good person just being blinded by circumstances. Perhaps she is also a victim, being manipulated and abused of someone whom she loves and trusts.
If you think about it, what that person did to our family was worse. I never expected that person to hurt our kids so badly because she was very dear to us. It's not easy to forgive her. But when our friend priest, Father Nat, told me that "Forgiving is a form of CHARITY." It hit me.
Let me share with you Prayer for Those Who Hurt Me, a beautiful prayer adapted from Straight from the Heart A Prayer Companion by Fr. Mario Jose C. Ladra. It speaks of asking for God's grace to touch the offender's conscience and make it easier for us to forgive.
Dear Jesus, I implore you by your Sacred Heart to bestow your most precious gifts and graces on those who cause me pain or have ever hurt me in the past.
Forgive them, Lord, if by chance they have offended you; or if they have shown me their dislike, show them your loving face.
Give them, O Lord, your blessing in return for words they speak against me, either to my face or behind my back; and if some bear a grudge against me, for any reason whatever, pour into them your holy love.
In order that, while bearing my crosses, I may be pleasing to your Sacred Heart, give me patience and meekness, love and courageous perseverance.
I offer you these acts of sincere love together with all the troubles they might cause me.
I offer them for their happiness, for their greater progress in virtue, and that they may reach a higher degree of eternal glory.
I offer them in union with the sufferings of your Heart and with the love with which you have loved and still love all who have inflicted pain on you.
Jesus, accept my services and in your mercy on me. AMEN.
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