Magnolia Pancake & Waffle Mix: The Best Pancake Mix Ever!

April 09, 2013
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Cooking and eating pancakes are part of our family's regular breakfast for years. I've tried lots of pancake mix brands but nothing satisfies my taste.

I was looking for a brand that was comparable to McDonald's pancakes- creamy, milky, melts in your mouth, tastes just right, and not too sweet. I found all these in Magnolia Pancake and Waffle Mix!

The best pancake mix ever!

Cooking this is very, very easy. Just follow the cooking directions at the back of the packaging.  
I only make a change on the amount of water. Instead of 1/2 cup, I always put 2/3 portion of the regular mug to get this consistency.

I make sure that I don't put too much water. I did it once and it made cooking a little difficult.

If that happens, bubbles may not form easily, the sign when you have to turn the pancake to it's other side. There is a tendency that the pancake would burn easily while the batter on top is still too wet. It's hard to flip it to the other side.

When you put the right amount of water in the mixture, when bubbles form on top, the one touching the pan is properly cooked, not burned

I also recommend that you use a non-stick pan, a surgical steel pan, like I use, or a porcelain pan, and not the thin aluminum pan. If you use a thin aluminum pan, it requires more oil so that your pancake doesn't burn immediately unlike when you use the first three that I mentioned above.

What is I do is I just brush a little oil on the pan. I want my pancakes healthy and not oily. I put one scoopful of batter on the preheated pan, then I lower down the flame.

In one 400 g pack, I can make 12-15 big pieces of pancakes! We eat them as is most of the time. If you want them to taste like the ones in McDonald's, use salted Anchor Butter and Clara Ole Pancake Syrup. You may also put fruits and use other syrups based on your preference! 
My very own cooked pancakes made from Magnolia Pancake and Waffle Mix
Our favorite, the very delicious and affordable pancake syrup, Clara Ole! It compliments the taste of my cooked pancakes. Courtesy:

Pancake mornings will not be the same without  Magnolia Pancake and Waffle Mix! Try it and I guarantee that you'll love it!

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  1. Looks yummy. Magnolia also have pancake mix with syrup already. I love the one with Mape syrup.

  2. Thank you so much! Really? I have to check on that! Thanks for the info! Happy new year, my dear.

  3. eating right now... yummy!


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